personal webcams
Personal webcams can be abused by hackers

Personal Webcams in Service of Hackers

Hackers can access your webcam, exploiting Microsoft Remote Access software. Thinking about how Internet of Things is spreading its wings on pretty much every device on the network, it creates some scary thoughts. That said, hackers will not only be abusing your webcam, but everything connected to it, from security system to your car. How much time do you spend in front of the computer on which the webcam is silently staring at you? Everywhere you go, from public places to traffic everything has a camera attached to it. The question arises, how can you defend yourself from hacking?

These situations are closely related to your privacy and personality. For years now, hackers have the means to use your computer’s camera and microphone against you. You might have seen these if you are a fan of a dystopian genre, but the truth is these misuses are very present and widely spread. As mentioned, the content criminals obtain through them might be very embarrassing, and majority of victims never report the crime. To make things worse, malware used to access remote control on computers is sold on the Dark Web. Different kinds of people purchase it for their own amusement or financial gain.

Webcam Controlling Malware is Everywhere

Like most of the malware in general, the one designed for webcam/microphone control comes with outdated software or shady downloads. Using untrusted websites, downloading cracked software, pirate audio/video content can all be hazardous. Webcam controlling malware is similar to Trojan virus. It’s hidden among other files and once it’s engaged it starts to make a mess.

Another way your computer might get webcam infection, is through removable drives, corrupted computer repair shops, or purchasing used computers. There is a few, well-known cases in which people were spied from the moment they’ve bought a PC, or brought it home from repair.

Hackers Can Use Webcams for Various Things

This type of malware is not taken seriously by the most of the common users. It’s general opinion that hackers don’t have anything from infecting devices of home users. But, the fact is, they do have the motivation to infect anyone they can. With malware that can remotely control your webcam, the motivation is higher.

There are entire online communities who like to watch other people’s home activities. Some of which may be very private and exposing. The access points or malware is sold on the Dark Web. There are public forums that are filled with luring technique guides, the exchange market for photos/videos, and even bank account numbers used for extortion purposes.

With both audio and video surveillance of your home, criminals can easily get to your private information like social security number, credentials for your online accounts, credit card numbers, and of course your face image. The amount of possibilities once they gather this information is endless. Cyber criminals can set fake bank accounts, buy stuff online, and even commit criminal acts using your name.

Prevention is the Protection

First and foremost, you have to understand that the problem is real and you need to do something about it. As soon as everyone starts to take things seriously, the sooner the danger ends. Since the internet is omnipresent, and our daily lives are depending on it, it can be tricky protecting one’s privacy from cyber criminals. But, it’s far from impossible!

You are the first layer of protection. Meaning – you have to control the way you’re using the internet. Do not visit murky websites, obey your browser warnings and keep your software up-to-date. If you are not at home, use only trusted and secured Wi-Fi networks. These are the main source of all malware infections. Also, if you are taking your device for a tune-up, clean-up or repair, find a recommended service for that.

On top of your awareness should be a good piece of software. Regular antivirus systems can only detect malware on the computer, but some malware takes time to be discovered. With camera controlling malware, time is of great importance.

ShieldApps has designed a privacy protection software especially for malware of this type. Identity Theft Preventer protects each part of one’s privacy with advanced threat scanners and hardware monitors. One of the features of the software is camera and microphone control. Each action your webcam makes will need your authorization. Even the malware with LED indicator bypass systems won’t be able to use your devices without a permission. Each time a signal is sent to the camera, the software reacts and stops its engagement until you allow it.

Staying far away from hack attacks is more than possible. No matter the danger, with few precaution steps and good software on your side, you’ll be more than ready to tackle all modern hazards. With the new software solutions like Identity Theft Preventer, keeping privacy private becomes easy. It’s better to be prepared than be a victim.