Lost or Forgotten Password – Not an Issue!

Using any kind of online service nowadays requires you to have a personal account. In order to keep you safe from intrusion, and verify your identity when trying to log in, accounts require username and password.

With so many different services that are being used daily, we tend to have multiple login credentials, that in attempt to protect ourselves digitally, we apply different login information for each website (well, we should…).

As suggested by most services and vendors in that case, we are encouraged to use unique and complex letters, numbers and symbol combinations to keep our credentials from being guessed and abused.

Despite the allegedly browsers user-friendly-suggestion to remember those credentials for us, from time to time they are not fetched right, deleted, or not saved if we have so chosen to begin with (in attempt to protect our privacy of course).

Ways to Retrieve and Restore Your Password

Since every service that needs login information is aware of human-errors they’ve all developed systems of password recoveries. Any person is aware of this option, and that’s why no-one cares about memorizing. What is inconvenient with this solution is a retrieval process itself. Users are asked to provide a valid email to which either a temporary password or reset-password link are sent. Now – you cannot choose the same old password again = new password = you will most probably end up forgetting that one too.

There is also a much easier way to recover your lost or forgotten password though > Password Recovery Shield!

If you have forgotten your username or password, all you have to do is run a quick scan with Password Recovery Shield, find your specific website’s username and password – and click on the recover button. It is that simple.

No more confirmation emails, passwords resets, temporary confirmation codes – just a single click!

The software is as simple and easy to use as it can get;

Upon its launch, you’ll be presented with a search box. There, you’ll just enter the name of the website for which you need your login information restored.

Within seconds you’ll have a report with possible username and password matches for that specific website.


(there is a free featured search option to make sure your needed credentials are found, so you do not need to upgrade if you are not 100% certain your credentials can be found and restored)


Password Recovery Shield is compatible with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest as well as various other Social Media websites, Blogs, Bank Accounts, Webmail interfaces, and most of the common online portals that require a username and password combination.

Password Recovery Shield works with every major browser used on Windows OS platform and its efficiency rate is more than 85%!
